Coursework and Clinic: The Vital Connections You’ll Make
Innovation: the Pacific University School of Audiology thrives on it! Our accelerated Doctor of Audiology degree program was designed outside of the typical academic box. Our curriculum, which is both intense and rewarding, does require a full time commitment for nine semesters or three full years.
The School: Meeting Your Expectations
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A Day in the Life
Prospective students often ask us, “What is a day in the life of a student really like? How many hours do they study? Do they bring lunch or eat in the dining hall?” So we went straight to the source and asked some of our current students about a typical day. A Day in the Life gives you a glimpse of what you can expect.
Clinical Placements
Our clinical internships and externship placements provide high-quality learning experiences. Students are placed in externships across the country and around the world. Although we have local sites, plan to spend several months out of the Portland area in both 2nd & 3rd years.